Take A Few Extra Steps at HIMSS24
If you're at HIMSS24 this year, or if you have colleagues who are there, please stop by the HIMSS bookstore and pick up a copy of my just-released book Renovating Healthcare IT - Building the Foundation for Digital Transformation. The few extra steps you'll take at HIMSS24 will save you time and effort in your IT projects

Created to help you solve the age old problem of too much work and too little time, Renovating Healthcare IT is an actionable playbook to assist you throughout your renovating project. From assessing your infrastructure to improving your cybersecurity; from retaining and retraining staff to upping your leadership game, this book will help you create a flexible custom-built plan that works for any IT organization.
Stop by and get a copy today. Those few extra steps will get you miles ahead on your IT planning and improvements.
If you're not at HIMSS24 or your daily step count has already exceeded 20,000 steps, order online anytime!