Susan Snedaker
Sep 1, 2020
Keeping IT Simple
In this time of COVID, IT demand is increasing while staff and resources are static. This article gives you three ideas about ways to manage

Susan Snedadker
Sep 15, 2018
Four Reasons to Hire First for Fit
We’ve all worked on teams where there was one person who made life uncomfortable, miserable, negative, or difficult. Even if that person was

Susan Snedaker
Mar 4, 2017
6 Tips for Surviving IT Audits
February seems to be audit month where I work. All kinds of auditors come in. Having been through this for the past several years, I have de

Susan Snedaker
Oct 30, 2016
Five Steps to Get Lean
Lean in healthcare IT can be implemented by following five simple steps. It can be challenging to get started, but by following these five s

Susan Snedaker
Sep 30, 2016
You Don't Always Get to Choose
Leading the Team You Inherit is a great article from the June 2016 issue of Harvard Business Review and worth reading when you get a...

Susan Snedaker
Sep 26, 2016
Reading Room - September 2016
If you work in IT, you need to constantly scan the horizon for what's new. As a leader, you also need to keep your eye out for trends...

Susan Snedaker
Aug 26, 2016
Reading Room - August 2016
If you work in IT, you need to constantly scan the horizon for what's new. As a leader, you also need to keep your eye out for trends...

Susan Snedaker
Aug 24, 2016
Hiring "Good Enough" or Waiting for "Great"?
We all know that hiring the right person to do a specific job or join a particular team can be challenging. There are so many factors to...

Susan Snedaker
Jul 26, 2016
Reading Room - July 2016
If you work in IT, you need to constantly scan the horizon for what's new. As a leader, you also need to keep your eye out for trends...

Susan Snedaker
Apr 23, 2016
Three Reasons Why Diversity Drives Success
It's a well-established fact that we tend to like to hire in our own image. We typically surround ourselves with people we perceive to be...